Sunday, December 7, 2008


Chandrayaan-1 successfully completed the lunar orbit insertion operation on 8th Nov 2008 at 16:51 IST. This manoeuvre involved firing of the liquid engine for 817 seconds (about thirteen and half minutes) when the spacecraft passed within 500 km from the moon. The satellite was placed in an elliptical orbit that passed over the polar regions of the moon, with 7502 km aposelene (point farthest away from the moon) and 504 km periselene (nearest to the moon). The orbital period was estimated to be around 11 hours. With the successful completion of this operation, India became the fifth nation to put a vehicle in lunar orbit.

First orbit reduction

First Lunar Orbit Reduction Manoeuvre of Chandrayaan-1 was carried out successfully on 9 November 2008 at 20:03 IST. During this, the engine of the spacecraft was fired for about 57 seconds. This reduced the periselene from 504 km to 200 km while aposelene remained unchanged at 7,502 km. In this elliptical orbit, Chandrayaan-1 took about ten and a half hours to circle the moon once.

Second orbit reduction

This manoeuvre, which resulted in steep decrease in Chandrayaan-1’s aposelene from 7,502 km to 255 km and its periselene from 200 km to 187 km, was carried out on 10 November 2008 at 21:58 IST. During this manoeuvre, the engine was fired for about 866 seconds (about fourteen and half minutes). Chandrayaan-1 took two hours and 16 minutes to go round the Moon once in this orbit.

Third orbit reduction

Third Lunar Orbit Reduction was carried out by firing the on board engine for 31 seconds on 11 November 2008 at 18:30 IST. This reduced the periselene from 187 km to 101 km, while the aposelene remained constant at 255 km. In this orbit Chandrayaan-1 took two hours and 9 minutes to go round the Moon once

Final orbit

Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft was successfully placed into a mission specific lunar polar orbit of 100 km above the lunar surface on 12 November 2008.In the final orbit reduction manoeuvre, Chandrayaan-1’s aposelene was reduced from 255 km to 100 km while the periselene was reduced from 101 km to 100 km.In this orbit, Chandrayaan-1 takes about two hours to go round the moon once. Two of the 11 payloads – the Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) and the Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM) – have already been successfully switched on. The TMC has successfully taken pictures of both the Earth and the moon.


Anonymous said...

It's encouraging to read of such achievements by the ISRO. It's a matter of pride for the country. As i have a keen interest in space and want to grow up as a space scientists, these matters interest me even further. In fact I have even registered myself at to be a part of the team that would visit the US Space and Rocket Centre, Huntsville this summer. As a part of Space Camp India i will get to do hands-on astronaut training programme, which will further test if i have the right aptitude to make it in this field. I am 100% sure the Space Camp will not only give me an in-depth practical knowledge of astronomy but also strengthen my ambition of becoming a space scientist!

Unknown said...

Please be practical

First we have to live properly in india on earth, our farmers are dying due to draught and hunger and we are finding water on moon.

I am an post graduate Mechanical Engineer, I want to bring following information in your knowledge:

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Head Shri G Madhavan Nair is making fool of Indian Government, Chandrayaan 1 project, is totally a flop, ISRO head is claiming that they have searched water on Moon, this act was already done by NASA 10 years Back, what new ISRO has done.

FARMERS in India is dying and doing suicide due to draught, ordinary peoples in India have very less cleaned water to drink.

We don’t have proper sources of water irrigation here in India on this earth, what an ordinary person will do if there is a little water on moon.

Prices of Cooking Gas is out of reach of ordinary public in INDIA, Petrol and diesel prices are increasing day by day.

Prices of pulses, vegetables, and other food items are increasing day by day; ordinary person is dying due to hunger because he can’t purchase even pulses or vegetables due to heavy prices.

India have no sources of proper drinking water, even now we are depend on monsoon for crops and for agriculture.

It is very shameful for Indian government who have closed their eyes in the above matters, and Indian government is spending Billions of Dollars on these kind of flop Chandrayaan projects.

Kindly stop Chandrayaan 2 project, to save our country, otherwise prices of food items and other things will go out of control day by day and ordinary person will die day by day.

NASA has lot of money to spend in these kinds of projects.

Kindly improve the economy of our country INDIA, Kindly give facilities to Indian poor farmers, Indian poor peoples, than do other projects.

I hope Indian Government will understand the feeling of this common man and do needful in improving the lifestyle of Indian poor peoples rather than wasting money in these kind of nonsense and flop Chandrayaan projects.