Sunday, December 7, 2008


[edit] Injection of MIP on lunar surface

The Moon Impact Probe took this close-up picture of the moon's surface during its descent.

The Moon Impact Probe (MIP) crash-landed on the lunar surface on 14 November 2008, 15:01 UTC (20:31 Indian Standard Time (IST)) near Shackleton Crater at the south pole.The MIP was one of eleven scientific instruments (payloads) onboard Chandrayaan-1.

The MIP separated from Chandrayaan at 100 km from lunar surface and began its nosedive at 14:36 UTC (20:06 IST) going into a free fall for thirty minutes.As it fell, it kept sending information back to the mother satellite which, in turn, beamed the information back to earth. The altimeter then also began recording measurements to prepare for a rover to land on the lunar surface during a second moon mission planned for 2012. When the MIP was closer to the surface, rockets were fired to slow down its speed and to soften impact

Following the successful deployment of MIP, the other scientific instruments will be turned on one-by-one starting the next phase of the two-year mission.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please be practical

First we have to live properly in india on earth, our farmers are dying due to draught and hunger and we are finding water on moon.

I am an post graduate Mechanical Engineer, I want to bring following information in your knowledge:

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Head Shri G Madhavan Nair is making fool of Indian Government, Chandrayaan 1 project, is totally a flop, ISRO head is claiming that they have searched water on Moon, this act was already done by NASA 10 years Back, what new ISRO has done.

FARMERS in India is dying and doing suicide due to draught, ordinary peoples in India have very less cleaned water to drink.

We don’t have proper sources of water irrigation here in India on this earth, what an ordinary person will do if there is a little water on moon.

Prices of Cooking Gas is out of reach of ordinary public in INDIA, Petrol and diesel prices are increasing day by day.

Prices of pulses, vegetables, and other food items are increasing day by day; ordinary person is dying due to hunger because he can’t purchase even pulses or vegetables due to heavy prices.

India have no sources of proper drinking water, even now we are depend on monsoon for crops and for agriculture.

It is very shameful for Indian government who have closed their eyes in the above matters, and Indian government is spending Billions of Dollars on these kind of flop Chandrayaan projects.

Kindly stop Chandrayaan 2 project, to save our country, otherwise prices of food items and other things will go out of control day by day and ordinary person will die day by day.

NASA has lot of money to spend in these kinds of projects.

Kindly improve the economy of our country INDIA, Kindly give facilities to Indian poor farmers, Indian poor peoples, than do other projects.

I hope Indian Government will understand the feeling of this common man and do needful in improving the lifestyle of Indian poor peoples rather than wasting money in these kind of nonsense and flop Chandrayaan projects.